Skillveri’s AURA Welding Simulator was on demo at New Delhi last week.
Our team got the oppurtunity to have a stall at the WorldSkills India final competitions from the 26th to 28th of February 2105. The Aura welding simulator was on demo at our stall and visitors with technical expertise in various fields enthusiastically tried it out.
The event is an initiative by the National Skill Development Corporation of India, to foster skill development and encourage vocational education among the youth of India.
We, at Skillveri, are passionate about developing solutions for skill development, and it makes us happy to be a part of such events which aim to change the vocational education landscape in India. Skillveri simulators bring a whole new approach to skill training, putting the focus on the learner. Our skill training simulators ensure industry relevant skills, at much less the time and cost involved in conventional training methods.
Aura Welding Simulators on demo at the Skillveri stall at the World Skills India 2015, New Delhi.
Skillveri simulators are widely used in both industries as well as skill training institutions, and we also offer customized features based on each customer’s specific needs. Our intuitive approach makes it possible for the learner themselves to see live corrective feedback, while detailed scorecards and reports provide feedback for the trainer to assess performance and progress.
Watch a demo of the Skillveri Simulators online here. For more details on our product offerings click here.